Expedition from Brashear City to Bayou

JANUARY 21-22, 1865.–Expedition from Brashear City to Bayou
Sorrel, La.

Report of Lieut. Richard Caddell, Eleventh Wisconsin Infantry.

BRASHEAR CITY, LA., January 22, 1865.
SIR: I have the honor to report, in obedience to orders, I embarked on
gun-boat 43 at 3.30 p.m. on the 21st instant with twenty men of
Company D, Eleventh Infantry Wisconsin Veteran Volunteers, and
proceeded to the mouth of Bayou Groesbeck, on Bayou Long; there
disembark in small boats and went up the bayou about three-quarters
of a mile; landed and divided my men in squads and made a thorough
search of the land on both sides of the bayou for a distance of one mile,
when I came to a small bayou which connects with Bayou Groesbeck.
About sixty yards up this bayou I found a small palmetto tent which
evidently had been occupied by two men. In it was a small anchor for
sinking torpedoes, which I sunk in the bayou. But failing to discover
the torpedoes, I embarked my command and went up to Bayou Millian
Point, where I disembark with four men and proceeded to the house of
William Duvall, a private of Company B, Twenty-sixth Louisiana,
whom I captured. I then proceeded to the mouth of Bayou Sorrel, where
I disembarked and secreted six men, with instructions to stop boats
coming down Bayou Long and going up Bayou Sorrel. From here I
went to Mr. Hebert’s, leaving four men there to guard that point, and
from thence to Mason’s, and searched the premises for John Spence.
Failing to find him, I returned to Hebert’s called in the guard which I
had left there, and went had captured Sergt. James Malcon and Private
John S. Hebert, of Company B, Twenty-sixth Louisiana, during my
absence. I again embarked and went down the bayou to the mouth of
Bayou Groesbeck. Here I secreted nine men, and proceeded with the
remainder to the east side
of Bayou Long, opposite to the mouth of Bayou Groesbeck;
disembarked and established a picket. About two hours after I had
posted the pickets I discovered a boat coming down the bayou with one
man in it, which I brought to, and the occupant proved to be Second
Lieut. C. Penisson, Company B, Twenty-sixth Louisiana Infantry,
whom I took prisoner. Here I remained until sunrise on the 22d, when
I embarked and return to Millian Point, where I disembarked and
awaited the return of the gun-boat from Belle River, she having gone
there to anchor. The boat arrived at 8 a.m. when I embarked and
returned to Brashear City, arriving at 2 p.m. The prisoners I turned
over to Lieut. S. E. Shepard provost-marshal, Brashear City, La.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

Second Lieut. Company D, Eleventh Wisconsin Vet. Vol. Infty.

Post Adjutant.


Breast City, January 22, 1865.

Respectfully forwarded.

Learning that a few rebel soldiers were in Bayou Long in charge of a
torpedo and their whereabouts, I sent Lieut. Caddell and twenty
men of the Eleventh Wisconsin Infantry up in the gun-boat 43 to capture
them. For particulars of the expedition I refer you to his report

Col., Cmdg.

Source: Official Records
[Series I. Vol. 48. Part I, Reports, Correspondence, Etc. Serial No. 101.]

About Chris

Christopher Wehner is a Civil War historian with his M.A. in United States history emphasis the American Civil War. He is a published author with two books, numerous journal and digital media media publications to his credit. To contact chris, cwehner -at- soldierstudies .org
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1 Response to Expedition from Brashear City to Bayou

  1. Roland R. Stansbury says:

    I am the director of the Young-Sanders Center for the Study of the War Between the States in Louisiana. We are located in Franklin, Louisiana. Our web site is youngsanders.org

    The Lt. C. Pennison mentioned in the OR records above is Lt. Cleophas Pennison. Lt. Pennison was my maternal great great great Uncle. He was the son of Etienne Pennison of Bayou Boeuf, La.

    Lt. Pennison was a close friend and tent mate of Lt. Jared Young Sanders II of the 26th Louisiana Regiment, Co. B. The Pennison and Sanders family both had large plantations on Bayou Boeuf. The two men had grown up together and were life long friends. Lt. J. Y. Sanders II had a son, J. Y. Sanders III who would later become the Governor of Louisiana in 1908-1912.

    The Young-Sanders Center was established by Miss Mary Elizabeth Sanders, the grand daughter of Governor J. Y. Sanders.

    Roland R. Stansbury, Director
    Young-Sanders Center
    Franklin, Louisiana
    (337) 413-1861

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